Wednesday 13 July 2016

Lal Sohanra National Park is becomming an international Safari park

National Park Lal Sohanra
Hubara buster in Lal sohanra ParkLal Suhanra is a town by the Bahawalpur road to Khairpur about 30 km from Bahawwalpur. Park is very interesting for the nature lovers and provides natural habitat to rare Chankara Gazelle. Lal sohanra is one of the largest national parks in south Asia which covers which was established in 1972. A number of wildlife diversity flourishes within the natural environment of park. Punjab Govt. has plan to upgrade Lal sohanra national park into wildlife safari park of international standard.
Geographic location:
Flora in Lal sohanra natioal park in cholista dasertPark situated in South Punjab 35 km east of Bahawalpur city ad covers both banks of Desert branch canal. It has total area about 127,500 acre in South Punjab. Lal Sohanra mostly consists in desert land. Only 20975 acre is green land and large water reservoir of about 4780 acre in the form of ponds and lakes.

Wildlife at Lal Sohanra:
A Number of species of animal can be foud in Nationa park. Wild animal like wildcats, rabbits, bustards and deers spacially black bucks. Indian Rahinoes also grow in natural envoirnment. Moniter lizard, Russells viper, Indian cobra, saw scaled viper, wolf snake, sand bow, Spiny tailed lizard are also present in the park.
Black buck theatened antilope in ational parkMore then160 species of birds are also present which includes houbara bustard, peacock, crested honey buzzard, marsh harrier, hen harrier, lagger falconperegrine falcon, Egyption ulture, wheatear and barn owl. A large lake in the middle of park is ideal for birds. There is 10,000 to 30,000 ducks permenently liing in the lakes. This park is provide natural habitates for many threatened spicies of animals like Nilgai antilop, Black buck, Hog deer and Indian Rhinoceros.
Lal sohanra national park is located at altitude of 125 to 140 meter from sea level. Flora of lalsohanra is consists of 212 species belonging to 50 families. Dicot having 158 species and 41 families. Mot dominent group of plants in the park followed by monocots with 5 families and 50 species. Pteridophytes with three families.
Lines safari in Lal SohanraNow the Punjb Govt. pans to improve the national park to a wildlife Safari park. One of its most attraction is lion safari which allows visitors to watch these beasts in their natural habitat.
Indian RahinocerosThere are watch towers, catching ground, tourist huts, camping gounds, tracks, motels and rest houses. TDCP owns and oprates a motel with six double rooms near the park.


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