Tuesday 7 June 2016

Track to K2 base camp Second highest Mountain Peak In the World.

Track to K2 base camp Second highest Mountain Peak In the World.
This is the one of the greatest treks in the world, unbeatable in terms of close up mountain views and proximity to many of the world’s highest peaks. On this track you literally walk past three of the world’s giants and for two nights camp right below K2, the second highest of them all. However this is tough but rewarding track, with many days being spent on the rugged, tumbled glacier as you head up to and beyond “Concordia” where the Baltoro and Godwin Austen glaciers converge in a beauty and simplicity of ice and rock.
A beautiful scene of glacier river
Many tracking operators turn around here but adventure peaks talk you on up past broad peak to K2base camp where we spent a night allowing you time to absorb the unique atmosphere and environment surrounding this unforgettable mountain. The return to Askole is in a the same route, but it is surprising how, when facing the other direction, the mountains look very different. We allow plenty of spare days for contingency and acclimatization and in case of delays. The best weather is found during the period June to August when it is usually quite fair, dry and stable.
Hill Tricking
During day time temperatures will vary from 10O C to 350 C. And you can find it very hot at the start and end of the track, but cool to very cold higher up. Night time temperature are very cold about (-150 C)and you should make sure you have a very warm sleeping bag. A down jacket and good quality mitts are highly recommended.

In Islamabad and Skerdu you will be enjoy good hotels in room with private facilities Twin double or single supplement applicable rooms are also available. In the mountain you will be in two person tents, toilet tents or long drop loos are provided at camps. Facilities of warm water also available. Country wide specific information and advice about health is published by the National Travel Health Network and centre.
More ever Tap or stream water should never be drunk with out first sterilizing with chlorine dioxide tablets or by boiling. An insurance which covers rescue evocation and medical expanses is essential. You should note there are no official mountain rescue service in Pakistan and that any evacuation I the event of serious medical emergency to the nearest hospital will be by land and not by helicopter. We will require a copy of your insurance prior to the departure. Please also insure your insurance cover you for walking above 4000m. Visas for entry into Pakistan are required by foreigners.  


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